
We got home at 6 AM. There was again this guy that I met last time, it’s just that then they played live rock’n’roll, and now just some D’n’B was on – you’re going to think that the girl is talking about some of the numerous Belgrade nightclubs or float-boats, but she is actually talking about her night spent at the Palace park. Just like in any other club, in the summertime in this park gathers a big number of young people, and they talk, make out, sing and play some instruments.
Sometimes it is so cramped, that you have to break through to the bench where your friends are sitting, but is not the rare case to meet them a few hours later because you came across or met someone new.
It is very alive out there. We supply ourselves with drinks and snacks from the nearby shops, and that’s why we are able to drink a lot more with the money we possess than we could in any nightclub.
Surrounded with many people, music and warm summer night, some catch dawn in the Palace, while others move to one of the clubs.

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